Healthy Habits Assessment
Good eating habits should include not only healthy food choices, but the timing and schedule of eating meals and snacks. Ultimately, undisciplined grazing right up to the time a child falls asleep creates opportunities to eat impulsively which can lead to excessive intake of calories and all the negative health issues associated with being overweight. It can result in Gastroesophageal (GER) or Laryngopharyngeal (LPR) which leads to a whole host of possibilities for misdiagnosis and overmedication.
It's time to make a new routine and establish some healthy habits for your child's sake.
It might be time to get serious about certain diet and lifestyle habits. Here are a few suggestions to help you start to make some changes:
- Get resources and tools directly to your inbox that will support you and your family in making positive changes to your child's diet and lifestyle. Sign up here for emails from Dr. Julie Wei.
- Take the Plan Your Next Shopping Trip challenge to create healthy eating habits and to help your family stick to a healthy eating plan.
Acknowledge yourself for making an effort to serve as a health-focused role model to your kids! Here are a few resources to help you continue to live a healthy lifestyle:
- Get information and recipes directly to your inbox that will inspire you and your family to continue making positive changes to your child's diet and lifestyle. Sign up here for emails from Dr. Julie Wei.
- Learn how to read nutrition facts labels to help you understand what you are eating.
Congratulations! You are serving as an outstanding role model for a healthy diet and lifestyle. Here are a few resources to help you share what you are up to with others:
- Sign up for emails filled with tools, inspiration, recipes and more from Dr. Julie Wei.
- Share what you are learning to inspire and empower others with the tools to make healthy diet and lifestyle changes. Help to advance the Healthy Kids Movement by starting a conversation with friends, educators and physicians. Use these conversation guides to help you get started.